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While mediation is meant to be neutral and cooperative, it’s still important to have independent legal counsel. Review counsel in divorce mediation will provide guidance throughout the process, as well as strategies specifically tailored to support your interests. The purpose of review counsel is not to start conflict but to ensure the end result is fair to you.

Review counsel can help prepare you for mediation, can assist in identifying issues particular to your family situation and provide a range of possible legal outcomes, and will review your draft agreement prepared by your mediator. Review counsel is especially helpful since your mediator cannot provide legal advice. If you are confused about the process, need clarification on a matter, or have questions you don’t want to ask in front of the other party, review counsel can field your particular concerns.

Retaining review counsel is obviously not required. However, each person contemplating non-adversarial divorce processes should consider having independent review counsel.

Contact Attorney Ferrante today

To learn more about review counsel services, schedule a consultation. Call the Divorce Mediation Center of Fairfield County, LLC at 475-289-7801 or contact us online.